Thursday, April 2, 2009

Ironic Human Behaviour Part 1 : Dream vs Reality

1. dream : you expect all people to be nice with you while you actually acting like a jerk.
reality : you able to do that only if you are rich. once you become poor, wait and see what jerks reflects back to yourself.

2. dream : you want to be rich by waiting people to feed you.
reality : this does happen, provided you are paralyzed for whole life, get the insurance claim and your family got no choice but to feed you.

3. dream : you expect fairness in your life.
reality : this does happen, but limited offer to rich buggers only.

4. dream : you expect all guys to be nice to you if you are a pretty girl.
reality : if you behave like jerk, guys will describe you like prostitude. if you are a nice person, then it's different story.

5. dream : you expect girls to accept you if you have knowledge, pretty face and got humour.
reality : you need more than that to make that happen. nowadays we are not talking about lifestyle of RM, we are talking about at least USD/GBP. No money no amoi, not even deserved a date.

6. dream : no matter how bad things happens to be, after a good long sleep, everything will be ok (movies shows a lot of this)
reality : no matter how long you sleep, nothing will be ok, unless you go for permanent sleep state.

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